Sunday December 10, 2006 was marked by the presence of the Almighty God. The altars were filled with people who were driven to their knees by this Almighty God. We invite you to join us at our next service Sunday the 17th.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Sunday November 19th was a spectacular day at New Life Center La Mesa.
From the very first note sung by the worship leaders to the last swipe of the mop the divine presence of ALMIGHTY GOD was there.
We had established an attendance goal of 85 and we broke it by 7, we had 92 and 2 were filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
The day was filled with the gift of Thanksgiving, we were able to bless each family that attended with a turkey ( a total of 60 were given ). Along with the turkey's that were given we served a full traditional Thanksgiving meal.
We want to thank all of our sponsors for their generous support. Albertsons, Vons, Wal-mart, Pickup Stix, Marie Callendar's, Starbucks and Bakers Square.
Pastor Buxton would like to give his love and thanks to all of the saints of New Life Center La Mesa who tirelessly labored before, during and after this great event.
We invite you to follow the pictorial journal below.
The registration booth ( Sis Elana and Sis Yolanda).
A shot from the back of the building.
The preaching
One of our Spanish interpreters
More gifts
Another basket ( this lady also received the gift of the Holy Ghost).
A basket given away to one of our friends that received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Basket giveaway
The turkey giveaway
Boys playing football
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Saturday November the 4th was a very productive day for Christ Alive.
We started at 7:30 a.m. participating in the La Mesa Appreciation Day which is a volunteer general cleanup of all La Mesa parks and properties of those that are unable to do so themselves. A big thank you to all that participated and so capably represented Christ Alive.
The picture above represents the group that blitzed the streets of La Mesa later in the afternoon at 2 p.m. We passed out close to 500 flyers inviting La Mesa to our November 19th "The Gift of Thanksgiving".
We hope you enjoy the following pictorial journal.
Our friends on Schoolridge
Two of our young friends
Bro. Jeremy ministering on Schoolridge
Bro. Jeremy and Sis Joy
Sis. Shauna, Sis. Cheryl and Sis. Elana
Sis. Elana and Sis. Cheryl
V speaking it very clear to this hungry soul.
Da Boyz
Tez, V and Cole
Tez, Gentry and V.
The pictures below are of the Christ Alive crew cleaning the Junior Seau Sports Complex. (La Mesa Appreciation Day)
New Life Center is located in the North Park/Normal Heights area in San Diego, California. We are located at 3295 Meade Ave. 92116 *Telephone (619) 977-6320
Schedule of services: *Sunday worship 3:30 p.m. *Sunday School for all ages 3:45 p.m. *Monday night prayer 7:00 p.m. *Tuesdayfamily Bible study 7:30 p.m.