WE BROKE RECORD'S TODAY! Not only did we break our overall attendance, our van was crammed with no space left. Which resulted in the Sunday School department breaking their record..........the number was 25! REVIVAL IS HERE.
Word's cannot describe how overwelming the power of God was today............Really, it truly was heart pounding.
Sis. Cheryl's son in-law and Sis. Joy's brother in-law, Vernon, received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look out La Mesa here we come.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Tonight was it................Finally, CHRIST ALIVE is rolling strong. We have been working on it for several months and there were two that came. Every Saturday night @ 7:00 we serve dinner to our friends! All we can say is that it was unbelievable, you will have to come and see for yourself to know what we mean............Stay tuned as this story develops.
Nando, Gentry and Pastor Buxton.
Ellis, Gentry and Pastor Buxton.
Take a good look..........Here are some member's of our future choir! This picture along with the others below show just a little of what GOD is doing in La Mesa. ( these are kid's on our bus route)
They're famous now!
Parent's and children, if you look closely, in their hands are pastries that we handed out by the dozen's. We handed out roughly 100-150 of these this week to our bus route kids and people all over La Mesa. ( A big shout out to Starbucks for their donations.)
More friends
Sunday, March 19, 2006
If you weren't at NLC La Mesa today you missed it........The lady in the picture's name is Katie, She responded to an add that Pastor Andrew and Shawnna Buxton posted on the internet. Through a series of e-mails she came Sunday and was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost! Stay tuned for more....
Another picture of this faith building story.
Our Russian friends on the bus
Sunday School children on the bus
Friday, March 17, 2006
This is one of the most miraculous stories of Mercy and once again GOD demonstrating His great love for humanity......... The man in the picture is Bro. Mike Buxton, who is the brother of Pastor Buxton and obviously the son of our own Bishop Gerald and Shirley Buxton. Bro. Mike had been out of the church for roughly 25 years and eight months ago he stopped running! He surrendered his life once again to the only One who can put it back together again, Jesus Christ. In February Bro. Mike traveled with Sis. Shirley Buxton to the annual ladies conference of the United Pentecostal Church in Sacramento to give his testimony. During this conference Bro. Mike's daughter Jessica and her sister in law attended the conference. On the last day towards the middle of the service the power of God fell and filled both Jessica and her sister in-law with the Holy Spirit. ( check out the pictures and don't ever stop believing for your lost loved ones)
Sis Shirley Buxton with her son Bro. Mike Buxton at the " United Pentecostal Ladies Conference ".
Here is another picture of this miracle. That is Bishop Gerald Buxton rejoicing with Bro. Mike Buxton.
Jessica's sister in-law, Elizabeth praying through to the Holy Ghost. She had never been to an Apostolic church, this was her first time and in a matter of about 2 minutes God filled her with His Spirit.
Jessica Lundin, Mikes daughter praying through to the Holy Ghost
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Pastor Buxton was able to preach in Desert Hot Springs Sunday night. The report that he brought back is so...........exciting! 3 people were filled with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, along with many other life changing things that happened in the service. One final note on this powerful church is, Tuesday the 14th they received their final inspection on their new facilities...........Congratulations.
New Life Center is located in the North Park/Normal Heights area in San Diego, California. We are located at 3295 Meade Ave. 92116 *Telephone (619) 977-6320
Schedule of services: *Sunday worship 3:30 p.m. *Sunday School for all ages 3:45 p.m. *Monday night prayer 7:00 p.m. *Tuesdayfamily Bible study 7:30 p.m.