Bro. Michael Gonzalez so capably preached for us the past two Sunday's. During the course of these services four were baptized in Jesus name and four received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Linda Coleman, a long time friend of NLC La Mesa, finally............. got the Holy Ghost! You go Sis. Linda!
Linda Domiguez receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Enjoying the presence of the Almighty God.
Monday, May 01, 2006
THE FIRE DID FALL! Documented....... 1280 people filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost April 26-29. Documented.......This is the largest number of people filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost in a 3 day time period in North America. Please go to Bro. Kevin Kwan's website http://www.azusamission2006.comwhere he has so professionally documented (photographically) this epic event which has begun a great outpouring in southern California.
From the very first prayer and acts of praise that were made Sunday, April 30 you could feel the wonderful presence of God. His presence was so overwhelming and by the time it was said and done 2 received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and 4 were baptized in the only saving name there is, Jesus Christ. One that received the Holy Ghost is from our bus route on Parks Ave.
It is with great excitement that we welcome the Bahena family to our church who were all baptized in Jesus name....Hang on..... It only gets better, Joshua their 10 year old son, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost while being baptized. God is pouring out REVIVAL in La Mesa.
Pastor and Sis. Buxton's oldest son Gentry.
Gentry Buxton.
Bro. Porphidio.
Sis. Elena.
Sis. Elena.
Joshua received the Holy Ghost while being baptized.
Holy Ghost! Gozol.......The girl in the middle with the black hair received the Holy Ghost.
Our precious Sunday School children seeking for the Holy Ghost.
New Life Center is located in the North Park/Normal Heights area in San Diego, California. We are located at 3295 Meade Ave. 92116 *Telephone (619) 977-6320
Schedule of services: *Sunday worship 3:30 p.m. *Sunday School for all ages 3:45 p.m. *Monday night prayer 7:00 p.m. *Tuesdayfamily Bible study 7:30 p.m.