Monday, January 21, 2008

Family builders at "Parkway Bowl"

Monday night was our monthly "Family Builders" night.

We hope you enjoy the pictures below.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

We are still doing it!

We wanted to bring everyone up to speed with what GOD is still doing at NLC.

We are still baptizing people in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins.

We are still seeing people filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

We are still seeing God deliver people from the clutches of sin.

We are still seeing the miraculous and on and on and on....!!!!!

The latest happening is: we had our first service in our brand new building TODAY.
God opened another door for us to walk into and we boldly stepped through.

Take a look there is over 8000 square feet of usable space and the sanctuary seats around 275-300. Please help us believe that God is going to fill it up.

Stay tuned.....................

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Another year

New Life Center La Mesa would like to wish everyone a blessed new year.

Our blog and website are undergoing some much needed updates and adjustments.

We should have it all together within the next week.